Friday, July 5, 2013


I spent a few minutes staring at the night sky and the stars that filled it.

I stood in the middle of the desert and saw the same constellations that I saw as a kid from my backyard in Ohio, the same ones I see from my sister's front porch in Indiana, and the same ones I imagine are there from my light polluted fire escape in Washington Heights.

While I know, and have always known, that there is one sky above all of us, it was an especially strong realization tonight.

It reminded me that everything is connected.  Every person I've ever had contact with, ever seen, ever read about, ever listened to their music or seen their art, ever been inspired by, ever sat on a train with, or ever just walked past.


I see and feel those connections so strongly every single day of my life.

It helps me to see my world as one whole entity and not compartmentalized aspects, where I pick and choose where to give wholeheartedly.

If I see my classroom as a reflection of me, then it truly is my job to make sure to plan, arrange, clean, and invest in a way that reflects who I want to be.

If I see my belongings as an extension of myself, then I am make damned sure to lend/give/share them with anyone that might need them.

If I see my time as asset that I can use to make every place I go more like it should be and less Ike it shouldn't, then I have to be intentional about where I spend the minutes of my day.

If I see my streets as part of myself, then I pick up the trash when I walk down them.

And this is only the beginning.

There is energy, thoughts, relationships, and beliefs.  All of it.  Connected.  In ways we cannot begin to fathom.

Everything is connected.

I think it helps me feel like I'm not alone, even in the middle of this desert.

I am here because my mom raised me to be confident enough to go....anywhere.  And she is with me.

I am here because my sister believes the best in me and pushes me to be that person.  And she is with me.

I am here because I garden with Joy and she helps me plant good seeds and pull the weeds.  And she is here with me.

I am here because of my friends, the ones I work with and the ones I live in community with.  And they are here with me.

I am here because of my professor, who literally set this trip up and made it possible for me to be here.  And he is here with me.

I am here because of my niece and nephew.  Because I want to have shoulders worthy of standing on.

Everything is connected.

I think that's as beautiful as it is terrifying.  If you're connected to me, then I'm connected to you.  That makes me responsible for my actions, even when I'm tired or cold or in the winter.  That's scary.

It's the kind of scary that makes me a better person.  It helps me say "I'm sorry" when I've wronged you and "thank you" when you've been gracious to me.  It helps me remember that you are a product of a story, the same as I am.  It helps me want to write a better story than the ones we've been handed, regardless of how great they are right now.

Everything is connected.  In that, there is comfort and there is responsibility.

I saw both when I stared at the stars this evening.

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